What do peace and conflict mean?
The Social Science area of Peace and conflict studies is to identify and analyze violent and nonviolent behaviors, as well as the structural mechanisms that attend conflicts (including social conflicts), in order to better understand the processes that lead to a better human condition. Peace studies is an interdisciplinary effort aimed at the peaceful avoidance, de-escalation, and resolution of conflicts, with the goal of achieving victory for all parties involved in the conflict.
Conflict refers to some form of friction, disagreement, or discord arising within a group and when one or more members of one group their opinions, beliefs, action or behaviors are either resisted or disapproved by one or more members of another group. However, peace is when people are able to resolve their issues without resorting to violence and work together to improve the quality of their lives.
What does Peace among ourselves mean?
Peace among ourselves refers to diplomatic peace between nations and, ultimately, mankind uniting as one without suffering as a result of their differences. Furthermore, “global peace” refers to the peace and harmony that exists between ourselves and the rest of the world, including nature and other external events over which we have no control over. Peace between ourselves and others around us is extremely vital, and many world leaders and governments work tirelessly to achieve it. We would be perpetually at war on numerous fronts, both internally and abroad, if no one worked toward peace. Peace is crucial because a lack of peace conflict can lead to violence, which can lead to joylessness and grief in our lives.

Peace in the world, with everything and everyone around us, is just as important, if not more so, than peace within ourselves. However, I believe that world peace is a lofty aim to aspire for because not everything with which we desire to live in peace is under our control. Because we can't control everything, some aspects of life, including death, are unavoidable. As Murphy’s Law states, “Anything that can go wrong will go wrong.”
What are peace and war?
The antonym of war is peace. Peace is commonly defined by international relations students as the absence of war. When the definition of war is established as an act of violence or force used to compel the adversary to do one's will, for example. The suspension of violent ways of antagonism or rivalry between political units is defined as peace. Peace and war have always been seen as mutually exclusive notions or states of affairs. One implies violence, whereas the other does not. The termination of one is the beginning of the other and vice versa.
Without antagonism and brutality, harmony is an idea of cultural companionship and agreement. Peace is widely used in a social context to refer to the absence of conflict and the absence of the threat of violence between persons, organizations or groups. However, A war is an armed conflict between states, governments, society, or paramilitary groups like mercenaries, insurgents, and militias. Extreme violence, aggressiveness, damage, and mortality are common characteristics, and it is carried out by regular or irregular military troops.
What is conflict?
Conflict is defined as an actual or perceived opposition of needs, values, and goals. An internal conflict can occur within oneself, while an external conflict might occur between two or more people. Many aspects of social life, such as a social dispute, conflict of interest, and fights between individuals, groups, or organizations, can be explained using conflict as a concept. Conflict can refer to wars, revolutions, or other confrontations that may involve the use of force, as in the world armed conflict.
Conflict is defined as a collision between people caused by differences in their mental processes, attitudes, understanding, interests, needs, and sometimes even perceptions. A conflict leads to heated debates, physical abuse, and, most importantly, a loss of peace and harmony. In addition, conflict can happen not only between individuals, but also between countries, political groups, and nations. A small conflict that isn't managed properly might escalate into a massive war and rifts among countries, causing enormous turmoil and disharmony.