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In Case You Missed it | STATELESSNESS

Updated: May 1, 2021

By Sharon Fru

Statelessness A Worldwide Problem From Fatima Al-Fihri Open University

The Lecture program held on 03/04/2021 on “STATELESSNESS” coordinated by FAOU’s Internal Communication’s Manager Mr Sami Ayad with our guest speaker Miss Ana Raquel Menezes from Brazil who is a Migration lawyer with a masters degree in Migration and Integration. She has studied this in Brazil, Norway and South Africa. For the last 7 years, Ana has provided legal aid to migrants and worked as a lawyer in migration affairs. During the 40 minutes lecture on Statelessness, the following main points were discussed:

● Definition, some facts and consequences about statelessness comparing it to Nationality,

● Identifying the most affected communities and how someone could become stateless,

● International Protection and campaigns put in place for stateless people,

● Some good practices for the eradication of statelessness in Brazil,

● Recommendations on some material to increase our knowledge on statelessness such as a book written by her (Statelessness) and another reference was a Handbook on the Protection of Stateless Persons by UNHCR.

Points To Note -

There are about 10million stateless persons in the world. The #I Belong Campaign that started in 2014 aims at eliminating statelessness in 2024. The most effective and Important international protection for stateless beings is the Convention (1961) on the reduction of Statelessness (Nationality Laws)

Interesting Point -

How a person can become stateless because of Gender Discriminatory, How Political Refugees can be stateless and Albert Einstein became Stateless.

In case you missed it by

Sarah Mutagoma

Fatima Al-Fihri Open University


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